Castle Game

Tactical Problem: Positioning your body so you will be square to the ball
Skill development: Forearm passing

Teaching Points: 


  • Read your partners body positioning, respond and react to where you think the ball will be played (4 R's)
  • Return to a neutral position to get ready for the next ball
  • Aim to hit the cone 
  • weight on balls of the feet
  • knees bent
  • straight platform 

Picture of Lisa and Kristina playing the castle game

(click on image for video clip)

Organizational Points: 
In partners, throw the ball above your head aiming at a cone.  Allow one bounce for partner to get into position.  Alternate back and forth. 


  • Must hit the ball higher than your head
  • Must not impede your opponent
  • Alternate turns 
Where do you want to move to when your partner has the ball?
     Across from them because they are aiming at the cone.
If cooperating, how do you give your partner more time to get to the ball?
     Hit the ball higher.

Instead of forearm passing, simply toss and catch the ball

Using a group of four instead of two, pass to your partner and then they try to hit the cone.  This requires students to communicate more.

To include more skills forearm pass to yourself and overhead pass to the cone.

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